I have photos to put up, some of you may have been looking for these photos before I finished, my appologies. I’m slow. So far you can only buy it from RAVELRY and I will try to post the link to purchase.

this is the cover photo on the pattern

this is the cover photo on the pattern

another view

another view

party star top close up of neckline

another close up

another close up

laying flat

laying flat



Now, the final photos of this… A rare photo of me , with my friend Kathy wearing our finished tops. We both avoid photos when possible.

stars of the party ! ?

stars of the party ! ?


Also heres a photo of the yarn in a different colourway. Dye-Version’s PARTY RIBBON

colourway: firecracker

colourway: firecracker

One response to “PARTY STAR TOP

  1. michellefondle

    I’ve added some great links to check out!

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